Monday, May 30, 2016

Chapter Four

Digital photography is for people to capture moments at any given time. Years ago the invention of photography was only limited to certain people to develop pictures. There are many technologies that have photography. One major type of digital photography technology is online newspapers. A while ago newspapers use to be a paper that had ink of 10 point font and was part of America's morning routine. Now society has changed most people don't have the paper on their kitchen table , porch, etc. The people can read them online. According to an article called The Online Newspaper: A Postmodern Medium it says the online newspapers is never "put to bed" as long as readers are able to view it at whatever hours of the day. Also the readers need to be sold as soon as they log on to the site because if they aren't there will be no one reviewing the news. With people being so connected to their phones , online newspapers are a good source because if they are on their phones all of the time they can easily access sites that have the world or city news on it. For example, this isn't an online newspaper but Time Magazine used Instagram to cover Hurricane Sandy
With sites also they have to put stories into short format so it can be easy to understand. 

When I researched black and white photography , it was very popular in newspapers years ago because newspapers were just black and white ink. Newspapers did not start publishing color photos until the late 1980's. Color photos were really only used in museums and galleries. Older people still like to look at newspapers at their table rather than the screen, but because computers, tablets, and phones are so popular the media would rather have the news online , to save money also. 

Photo by: James Grundy
I choose this photo for my blog because earlier I talked about how older people rather look at the newspaper than online. The china man and the area drew my attention to this photo because the area looks very poor looking and I wondered does he rather look at the actual paper, or maybe he canr afford technology to look online.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Chapter Three

Photo by: The Wright Brother's 
Year : 1900
Texture: The texture of this photo will be the sand I thought of deserted and lonely in this photo because there's no one in this picture but the little boy.
Black and White Color: The color of this photo gives it a more dramatic effect in my opinion because if it was in color I don't think anyone will notice the bigger detail as in the fish and the boy. I also think the photographer did not have a choice of what he wanted to shoot this photo in because color photos were nonexistent until the late 1980's.
Quality of light will tie in this photo also because there is a glare and it seems like the photographer wants the viewers just to focus on the little boy holding the fish, as if the fish is very important to the photo.
I choose this photo because it had one subject to it and that's the little boy holding the fish. I wonder what the fish means to the photo because there is nothing else around besides a ladder. The photo was a mystery to me.
Photo by: Leonard Missone
Year: 1935
Depth of field ties in because the picture is close and it zooms out to get a bigger picture, and when I seen depth of field I focused more on the fog and the moon in the way back.
Feelings because I feel like the people in the photo don't know where they are going or don't want to go , and I feel that fog and the color of the picture sets a gloomy mood.
Backgrounds Compliments: In this photo I feel like there are many things that compete for the viewers attention. One is the two people and the horse carriage because you wonder where are they walking off to. The second thing that will compete for the viewers attention is the fog and the moon, this is what caught my eye because I thought the fog gave the picture a scary look.
I choose this photo because of the mood I got from it, very sad and the weather and the quality of the photo.
Photo by: Brent Stapelkemp
Year: 2012
Simple background I got from this photo because its all dirt with nothing behind the lions. I also got Subjects expression because the lions looked very relaxed and calm. The lions do not looked they are overly posed or put in that pose because to me this looks like two lions who may love each other, so therefore the mom and dad, or the mom and daughter. Rules of thirds because once you look at the photo you focus on the lions heads touching each other. I chose this photo because how I viewed the lions peaceful and loving.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chapter Two

Black and white photography has a long history. This started more than 170 years ago in the country of Europe. The reasoning of photography was to capture life around the world at any time of the day. “In the 20th century it was proven that black and white photography proved its worth as a social document that had the power of influence,” states Bob Stcyr. Black and white photography still exists now today. Black and white images have worked its way up with the advent of digital photography. Black and white images will always have its traditional affect on people no matter how long ago it was discovered.
Black and white has its effects on photojournalism. In article called Why It’s still Important to shoot in Black and White by David Geffen, he describes many reasons why it is good to have photos in black and white. A few reasons are you’ll see light differently, it could emphasize emotion, it highlights shape form and pattern in the image,etc. My favorite one was that it emphasizes emotion. His description of this topic was quite interesting. David states “looking at someone’s faced, or into their eyes without the distraction of color can provide a stronger emotional connection to your subject. I agree with this because when you are a with person there can be many distractions, when you should just be focused on that main person. When looking at a photo there should be one thing that you should be drawn to and color could make you look at everything else around it. 

When taking my photo I made sure that I was focusing on one thing and one thing only, so my viewers could see what had my attention. So What I wanted my viewers to see was the schools name, deans list, and ace program. I gave the cup a simple background so you can notice the lettering more. When i was researching the black and white photography they also mentioned lighting . I know there is a glare on the photo, but I feel that lighting helps the lettering.
Photo by: Aaliyah Wright
During my research an image that really interested me was by Margaret Bourke- white called Russian Ballerina. When I looked at this picture I applied the things that I researched. I applied emotion to this because you can tell her passion for ballet in this photo. I could tell just by the way she is tying her show and her pose for it , looks like she can be getting ready for a show. Also the lighting of the photo gives her a nice glow.
Photo by; Margaret Bourke

Friday, May 20, 2016

Chapter One - Can photographs change the world?

What photo that I had an effect on my personal life was from a high school photographer named Abigail Aciman. Her photo took place in NY City. The photo message was “Stop Killing Our Children.” I connected to this photo because one I am African American and lately for a few years now young children have been getting killed by police officers for discrimination. Not just youth, sometimes adults to. The protest in the photo related to the incident of Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Some cases these youth could have been acting out of hand but to kill these young children is unacceptable. There are many other ways to handle certain situations with young children. And if a police officer says I felt that I was being attacked, then maybe they shouldn’t be a police officer. Police officers go thru a lot of training and for them to say they felt that they were being attacked by a young boy is unacceptable.
Photo by: Abigail Aciman

 What I loved about this photo is that it shows emotions in very little detail. It shows the emotions of the protesters on how the violence and police brutality needs to stop. I feel like it connects to me because just being black we have to watch out what we do, wear or say when we go out into the world. Anything can happen to us at any time when we least expect it.  In this age of time young males of color have to watch out also because they are the ones who may be targeted the most. I have two younger brothers and I know their attitudes can be very strong at times, so when they go out and public I may worry .
Do I think the photographs  can change the world? Personally yes. A photograph can have a millions of emotions and meanings to it. When I look at certain photos it can change my perspective of something , it can be either good or bad. Some people may think differently. But for instance this man feels that photos can change the world, according to Joshua Haruni he says "I really do not believe that photographs actually change anything, least of all the world." Pictures are very beautiful and great to look at and connect to. A photo can inspire a person in a quickness. When taking photos also they can become come something in the future, which makes it history, according to professor Nordell.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Introduction to the history of Photojournalism

            Photojournalism is a word to define how a photo can describe whets happening in society. Each photo that a person comes across has a different meaning to it, a person can think something about a photo and someone else can think something different of it. When thinking of photojournalism you can also break it into two parts photos and journalism. To make photojournalism into one word also is having journalists that has a passion for photos. These photojournalists know when to take the pictures, the idea of this also is to engage their viewers into their work. When taking these photos you want to make sure the photo has a saying to it and that it’s a beautiful picture where someone else may not be able to capture. Also as professor Nordell stated in his video photojournalism are not nouns, “photojournaliststhey photograph verbs people doing things.
            Knowing the history of photojournalism is very important. A video created by Holli history containsthe word story. “No boundaries” is history. History tells the past of certain things and without photos you wouldn’t know the history of life. When I think of history for photojournalism it can come down to plenty of things. One thing is it challenges peoples mind to think outside, you can solve mystery with photos, and appreciate different things of life. There is a huge range ofstyles and approaches that photojournalists take.

            A photo that captures my mind is a photo by Horst Faas called the Katangese Youth movement in 1961 in Elisabethville, Congo.  It captured my attention because one it is African American kids that are standing up for their rights. What also captured my eye is their clothing back in the day African Americans did not live the greatest. They were poor and had to fend for themselves. They had to do everything by hand. Now in the picture the children have homemade wooden riffles , which I thought was cool because to me it shows how creative African Americans could be and how they were hard workers.
Photo by: Horst Faas
One last photo that shows history is a photo by W. Eugene smith of a wounded soldier. The photo took place in Okinawa in 1945. When I looked at this photo I thought of wars that I learned about in my recent school years. How soldiers fought for their lives and some did not make it home. 
Photo by: W, Eugene Smith

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

When I think of photojournalism I think of a photo that you can tell what it is about. For example: a photo that can tell you what is happening in the news around us. A photo I chose to represent my definition is this cheerleading image. This photo you can tell that you need strength and trust in your teammates so they can lift you. Without strength and trust you can hurt yourself or a teammate.
Image Source:
Photo by Unknown