Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chapter Two

Black and white photography has a long history. This started more than 170 years ago in the country of Europe. The reasoning of photography was to capture life around the world at any time of the day. “In the 20th century it was proven that black and white photography proved its worth as a social document that had the power of influence,” states Bob Stcyr. Black and white photography still exists now today. Black and white images have worked its way up with the advent of digital photography. Black and white images will always have its traditional affect on people no matter how long ago it was discovered.
Black and white has its effects on photojournalism. In article called Why It’s still Important to shoot in Black and White by David Geffen, he describes many reasons why it is good to have photos in black and white. A few reasons are you’ll see light differently, it could emphasize emotion, it highlights shape form and pattern in the image,etc. My favorite one was that it emphasizes emotion. His description of this topic was quite interesting. David states “looking at someone’s faced, or into their eyes without the distraction of color can provide a stronger emotional connection to your subject. I agree with this because when you are a with person there can be many distractions, when you should just be focused on that main person. When looking at a photo there should be one thing that you should be drawn to and color could make you look at everything else around it. 

When taking my photo I made sure that I was focusing on one thing and one thing only, so my viewers could see what had my attention. So What I wanted my viewers to see was the schools name, deans list, and ace program. I gave the cup a simple background so you can notice the lettering more. When i was researching the black and white photography they also mentioned lighting . I know there is a glare on the photo, but I feel that lighting helps the lettering.
Photo by: Aaliyah Wright
During my research an image that really interested me was by Margaret Bourke- white called Russian Ballerina. When I looked at this picture I applied the things that I researched. I applied emotion to this because you can tell her passion for ballet in this photo. I could tell just by the way she is tying her show and her pose for it , looks like she can be getting ready for a show. Also the lighting of the photo gives her a nice glow.
Photo by; Margaret Bourke

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