Friday, May 20, 2016

Chapter One - Can photographs change the world?

What photo that I had an effect on my personal life was from a high school photographer named Abigail Aciman. Her photo took place in NY City. The photo message was “Stop Killing Our Children.” I connected to this photo because one I am African American and lately for a few years now young children have been getting killed by police officers for discrimination. Not just youth, sometimes adults to. The protest in the photo related to the incident of Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Some cases these youth could have been acting out of hand but to kill these young children is unacceptable. There are many other ways to handle certain situations with young children. And if a police officer says I felt that I was being attacked, then maybe they shouldn’t be a police officer. Police officers go thru a lot of training and for them to say they felt that they were being attacked by a young boy is unacceptable.
Photo by: Abigail Aciman

 What I loved about this photo is that it shows emotions in very little detail. It shows the emotions of the protesters on how the violence and police brutality needs to stop. I feel like it connects to me because just being black we have to watch out what we do, wear or say when we go out into the world. Anything can happen to us at any time when we least expect it.  In this age of time young males of color have to watch out also because they are the ones who may be targeted the most. I have two younger brothers and I know their attitudes can be very strong at times, so when they go out and public I may worry .
Do I think the photographs  can change the world? Personally yes. A photograph can have a millions of emotions and meanings to it. When I look at certain photos it can change my perspective of something , it can be either good or bad. Some people may think differently. But for instance this man feels that photos can change the world, according to Joshua Haruni he says "I really do not believe that photographs actually change anything, least of all the world." Pictures are very beautiful and great to look at and connect to. A photo can inspire a person in a quickness. When taking photos also they can become come something in the future, which makes it history, according to professor Nordell.

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