Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Chapter Six

The woman photojournalist that I have researched was Lee miller who real name is Elizabeth Miller. She was born on April 23, 1907 and passed away July 21, 1977. Miller was an American photographer who enjoyed taking pictures of fashion and wars. She was exposed to photography from her father Theodore; he had a Kodak Brownie, stereoscope and a darkroom where he taught her the basics. Miller was raped by a family member at the age of seven when she was visiting relative. The poor girl was traumatized and caught gonorrhea. After the incident her father took nudes photos of her to force her to deal with the trauma she had from her incident. Lee Miller had many other activities that she enjoyed dance lessons, modeling, and drawing and painting. In 1929, she lived with Man Ray who she was his student, collaborator, muse and her lover. Ray was the one who taught her more about photography as n the negatives and positive parts of photos and produced halo like outline and lights and darks. In New York City, Miller had started her own photo studio with her younger brother, Erik.  Miller became more known when she started working with Vogue and Life photojournalist. She followed the 83rd Infantry Division of the U.S Army with David Scherman and was the first women photojournalist to do this. Some of her famous photos were Liberation of Paris, the battle of Saint-Malo, field hospitals in Normandy, and the liberation of both Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps.
In the workplace women have been discriminating many times with their sex or gender.  Women have made it known that they are capable of doing whatever men can do. They can perform the same skills and success in every field. With discrimination of women, it holds many women back from getting jobs. It holds women back for many reasons sexual harassment, withholding promotions, different job opportunities and trainings. There are many questions that still should be asked today. One important question is that should women be paid less because they are women. The answer to this question would be no the EPA states that , employers are prohibited  from paying wages to men and women who perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment. Women who feel that they are being discriminated should contact Human Resources so they can fix the problem. If human resources does not fix the problem should contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
 In the profession of photography there are many women who were being discriminated in different ways. One person that I will speak on is Marilyn Nance she is an African American photographer, back then women of color faced many obstacles and in the field of photography , this one women faced some. Nance focused her work on personal, cultural, and national history.  For Nance the employers discriminated her because of her age. Nance did the right thing and filed a claim against the DOE. This was all caused because she was younger than the replacement who she was working for.
Image By: Marilyn Nance
Subjects Expression: In this photo I realized the lady on the right . Her expression on her face looks very stressed or angry about something. The way her body is leaned over seems like she wants help for something and the other women is trying to comfort her and speak to her.
Obvious Main Subject: The main subject would obviously be the two men they really stand out to me because they take up most of the image. Also the people in the background are very small where you only notice the two women,
Black and white: I feel like black and white fits this image perfectly because if it was in color it would be too much going on and there wouldn't be a dramatic effect as it is now. I think at this time of when the photographer took it only black and white was available
Image By: Anja Nierdringhaus
Year Taken: 2014
Rules of Thirds: This is rules of thirds because the little boy is off centered and the main focus of the photo is the big sister getting her brother off the barrier. The other little girl in this photo wouldn't be the main focus to me because she is just standing around watching.
What feelings does the image create?: I feel like this image creates happiness because the little girl is doing something really helpful to her brother which is helping him. If she didn't help him he could get hurt really bad only because of what size he is. I would call this protection.
Keep it Simple: In this photo I feel like the background is simple only because where they are located usually you may see animals or other people around. In this photo its just simple dirt and barriers.
I choose this image because in this module we researched women discrimination. Women can do things that men can do and some men may feel that women can't protect themselves or another person, which in this photo is a good example of the littler girl protecting her brother when there is no one else around.

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